If your looking to create an online business whether it is a blog or a regular static website, there are some minor costs that are involved. This is through purchasing your own domain name and web hosting. It is also a very exciting purchase on your start to your web domination.
There are free web hosting options available but I certainly don’t recommend them and their ads get placed on your website which defeats the purpose of you having your own site. As well, having your own web site with your own way cool domain name shows a bit more legitimacy than a blogger.com etc. Your website will also be in the middle of a large spider web of back links and social bookmarks that all point to your site so you can reap the benefit of these structures as well. You want to drive traffic, visitors and buyers to YOUR site not someone elses.
So recapping here are the benefits of owning your own site or blog with a legitimate hosting plan and your way cool domain name:
1. You maintain complete control of your website.
2. Your site will be easier to promote and will gain rank much more easily in search results
3. You own your own content and are not bound by rules of free hosting terms.
4. You have the ability to provide rich media such as audio, video and even downloads
5 Your visitors and subscibers will take your content more seriously as an expert of sorts.
6. Your control what ads and links go on your blog.
Web Hosting: Web Hosting gives you absolute freedom with your blog, in affect your ‘own’ space on the internet and virtually no-one can take that away from you. Well, perhaps a de-index by google but that won’t happen if you are not using black hat methods 😉
There are some terrific hosting services as mentioned above here. My personal favorite web hosting companies would have to be Hostgator, not only is it one of the cheapest it’s also tons of features you will need and many free extras. Their support is also incredible and they are there whenever I have a question. Actually, I host this site using Hostgator. But all the hosting services I named above in my website are terrific. You just need to see which one suits your needs. Although they are all very reliable and very affordable.

Domain Name: If you can it is best to use some of your keywords when picking your domain. This is very beneficial for SEO purposes. Also. keep in mind if you get a domain try, if you can two register it for a minimum of two years. Google looks upon websites that have a one year domain as a possible spam site.
For my sites I register all my domains with www.GoDaddy.com . They have a very comprehensive domain platform and it is very easy to use.
Whether you are setting up a website just for fun or for a online business a very small investment in Web Hosting and a Domain Name can certainly provide the beginnings for a highly successful online business.
Once you get these basic items out of the way you are now on your way to carving out your own niche.