Advertising on Facebook isn’t as complicated as it sounds. Below are some easy tips that will explain how you can get the most out of your Facebook advertising campaign the easy way.
The smartest move you can make at Facebook is having a fan page and sending traffic to it as much as possible. There is a huge amount of traffic that is very targeted at Facebook, and you can reach that traffic with fan pages. A fanpage is like preselling because your conversions will actually be higher than if you advertised with direct linking to your website or affiliate site. It’s really simple, though, because it’s just like relationship marketing and people develop a better warm fuzzy with your fan page. Marketing and building a fan page is like building an email list, and the more people (fans) you can get; then the more people you can contact and tell about an offer. Obviously, if you do not have any fan pages, then you really should just give it a try and discover the results on your own. We’re sure you’ve heard about fan pages, but have you created one yet? You can build your own fan page as long as you have a Facebook account. But, you really should realize that more is involved other than getting people to signup as a fan. There is a strategy involved with it, and you will need to get people involved on your fan page. This would not only increase the response you get from your advertising campaign, but it’ll also in a way help you build a database of interested fans. In addition, you have the capability to split the traffic by age groups. The best way to go about this is to create age groups that have a gap of say 5 years. However, this should not mean that you can only work with groups with 5 year age gaps. This is one feature that has a lot of potential as far as the testing is concerned. You would have the capability to test the type of response you are getting from particular age groups and then direct your ads based upon that. As time continues you will recognize that these responses start to get predictable, which makes your job simpler. This is when you’d be able to cater to people of different age groups with products that are specifically tailored for them.
You will want to market your fanpage, so direct people to the custom tab and *not* your wall. Ok?
No one has control over wall content, for obvious reasons if you know anything about Facebook. However that is not the situation with the custom tab where you do have control over the content. Wall comments can get pretty dicey, as you well know, and that’s the problem with sending your fans to your wall. It has long been shown, even in a short period of time, that when people land first on your wall, the conversion rate is lower. So it’s easy… send people you want to do business with to your custom tab and not the wall.
If you want to get involved with Facebook marketing, then you should – so take action right away and move forward. Once you get started, then do not forget to rotate your ads and test them for highest conversions.
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