There are few truly powerful backlinks tool that go towards building link popularity. What I want to discuss with you is about one particular part of internet marketing that I absolutely hate: social bookmarking. You hear all over that you need to do it to help your pages rank better and to drive more traffic to your site. It’s so very true! But there’s a problem:

It’s incredibly boring!
Is there anything more mind-numbing than clicking through to site after site after site and pasting in links?
I heard about this backlinks tool from a friend of mine but was hesitant at first because it sounded too good to be true. As most tools are nowadays and I have tried most of them. She told me, “All you have to do is enter your bookmark details and other members submit your bookmarks to their accounts automatically. It literally takes 5 minutes to get setup.”
So I figured, “What the heck!”, I may as well give it a try. Suddenly that terrible task is crossed right off my list and I don’t have to feel guilty about not doing it.
I signed up for the ‘Free’ account and found the Setup Wizard super easy to use. With the ‘Free’ account you have to setup all your own social bookmarking accounts (only once though) in order to get started. Next, I shared 5 other members’ bookmarks, which was as simple as clicking a single button. I had to do this first in order to earn “credits” which can then be spent when other members share my bookmarks. Then I added a couple of my own bookmarks and a short while later started receiving notification that they had been submitted to a list of social bookmarking services.
Wow. And this was just with the ‘Free’ account! I was super impressed.
It was clear to me that the paid accounts were worth it, so I upgraded to the ‘Lazy Linkaholic’ package (1.6 cents per backlink!). With the ‘Lazy’ account types you don’t have to do any sharing, all you do is enter your own bookmark details.
It’s been about 2 weeks now and I’ve received thousands of backlinks…on TOTAL AUTOPILOT.
If you’re like me and know good value when you see it, you should definitely give this powerful backlinks tool a try and skyrocket your building link popularity now.
I too have recently started using Social ADR. Fact is, that is where I met you.
You are correct that it is a no nonsense tool for building backlinks, but there are still a couple of things that I would like to see with this tool which don’t appear to be available.
1. I’d like to have the ability to search topics for specific types of bookmarks.
2. I’d like to be able to setup multiple profiles within the system for the various projects that I am working with.
Perhaps these are things I just haven’t discovered yet, but they certainly are things that I would like to have as part of the Social ADR system.
Whatever the case… it is indeed a system worth using which I highly endorse.
Hey Guy,
I appreciate hearing your endorsement. I have over 10,000 backlinks that were done without me ever logging in which I love. They are bookmarked by others and if you use spin tags which are offered as part of the bookmark setup, you can have 1000’s of unique backlinks for the same site, post etc. Nothing like it out there. As for categories maybe Kane, the owner will be reading this post here soon and take that into account but for now its super cheap and very very powerful for SEO.
I have been using SocialAdr as a free user. I do at times forget to log-in and do my sharing and you are limited to only five a day as a free user.
My questions: 1) have you seen an increase in traffic that you are able to attribute to SocialAdr? How are you attributing this to Adr? correlation, direct evidence, etc.?
2) have you seen in increase in conversions/revenue?
Traffic is well and good, but it has to be traffic that also brings $.
After you provide some info, I will provide some additional thoughts. cd :O)
Well honestly Chris I was tracking my results in the beginning and after seeing such a large amount of backlinks being created by other users bookmarking my sites I stopped checking on it. I know it works extremely well and I also spin every title and my descriptions so each link can be unique. Right now all my sites or posts combined have well over 20,000 links so I am very happy with that.
As for conversions its all based on your ad copy and making changes to your posts in order to increase the conversions.